
The location - Smedsmora

Andvare provides infrastructure for Sweden's total defence.

Many of our customers have their own instructors, but we can assist with most things in tactical training if needed.

Gården ligger vid sjön Sparren, 6 km söder om Rimbo i Norrtälje kommun och bara 25 minuter från Arlanda och 45 minuter från Stockholm. Ny motorväg byggs med projektet Rimbo förbifart.

Today Smedsmora offers a conference facility with a wide range of fully equipped meeting rooms of various sizes and a spacious dining room where conversations can be had over well prepared and much needed meals. The sharing of experiences can continue in front of the open fire in the common room area, with the possibility of enjoying the stunning nature and view of Lake Sparren.

Smedsmora also offers you hotel facilities where you can sleep comfortably in one of our single rooms or together with colleagues in one of our sleeping quarters. There is also kitchen facilities available for those who wish to cook their own meals. 80 beds in total.

For those of you whom are visiting Smedsmora by day, with no overnight, there is also a self-catering cottage in which you can prepare you meals throughout the day. So feel free to bring your own food with you.

At present our tactile training environment offers a 180 square meter hand-to-hand training facility, a tactile close quarter combat training house (CQB), offering various layouts, for problem solving and technique training.

There is an indoor range for shooting up to 20 meters and in three different directions.

Vi inreder nu ett k9-stall och en stor crossfitmiljö.

Smedsmora kommer att fortsätta utvecklas och kommer i framtiden även att erbjuda en långhållsbana på 40×120 meter, anpassade träningslokaler för tjänstehundar, träningsområde för träning av räddningshundar samt träningsmiljö för personer som ska arbeta i högriskmiljöer och en terrängbana för olika fordon. På sikt kommer även ytterligare behovsanpassade lokaler och övningsytor att växa fram efter önskemål.

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In our idyllic conference you will be able to relax and completely focus on you.

You will have access to private conference rooms, lecture halls, bar, lounge, and a large kitchen.

Training facilities

Smedsmora's training facilities are uniq in the nordics. We are constantly growing to meet your needs. Nothing is impossible here!

What we offer right now:

  • Shooting range 20m (180 degrees)
  • Hand to hand combat facilities (180sqm)
  • CQB facilities with modular walls
  • Large training areas in various types of terrain

Whats coming:

  • Fordonsövningsplats upp till B7 (terrängkörningsbana och körplan för avancerad körning)
  • Skjutbana 100+ m
  • CQB village


Smedsmora offers you hotel facilities where you can sleep comfortably in one of our single rooms or together with colleagues in one of our sleeping quarters. Everything within a 3 min walk.