Our training courses

Programmes tailored to meet your needs

In addition to the provision of needs adapted training facilities and grounds led by experienced and competent instructors, Andvare provides pre-set training programmes. 

High Risk Operators Course (HIROC)

HIROC provides you with all skills and tools necessary to work as a close protection operative and bodyguard in high risk areas. We offer one of the most cohesive training programmes within the business developed from the training and requirements of military close protection units operating in war zones.


Tactical Trauma Care

Participants receive adequate theoretical and practical knowledge with regards to pre-hospital emergency care in accordance with C-ABCDE. In addition, participants will also gain knowledge about what happens to humans under stress. This so that they can be better understand their own and other individuals behaviours and abilities under high levels of stress and pressure. Through obtained principal tactical knowledge practical micro-exercises are completed during the course. These with elements that will allow participants to build resilience through what we in Scandinavia call stress vaccination.


Andvares instruktörer är också utbildade av och följer svenska HLR-rådets utbildningsprogram.

Defensive Driving

Defesive driving training for personal security officers or personell about to be deployed. With armoured or light vehicles

On our uniq terrain course the drivers will be prepared to meet various types of terrain.


Vi har en flexibel lösning för att skapa unika och anpassade scenario träning. Lokalerna är byggda för att snabbt och enkelt modifieras mellan genomföranden. På detta sätt kan instruktören göra problembilden mer eller mindre komplex; för att uppnå önskad påverkan på spelplanen och deltagarnas möjlighet till beslutsfattande.


This course provides the participants with the foundations of the art form that is surveillance and is carried out in both urban and suburban environments.

The programme is directed towards individuals who wish to work with different types of physical information gathering and also towards those whom in their work strives to prevent that information can be gathered from themselves or their employer. As an example this can be in your role as a personal protection officer.

Self defence & Tactics

Kombinationen av den samlade erfarenheten hos Andvares instruktörer och tillgång till Andvares behovsanpassad utbildningsplats i Roslagen skapas förutsättningar för kvalitativa och effektiva utbildningar i taktisk träning.


Andvare genomför behovsanpassad scenarioträning baserad på aktuell yrkesgrupp och den uppgift som avses lösa. Vi genomföra bland annat träning för myndigheter, personal i högrisk miljö, personskyddsväktare, skyddsvakter, ordningsvakter, väktare och sjukvårdspersonal. Omfattningen av utbildningstillfället anpassas efter behov och önskemål.